Strong technology leader, Microservices expert & lector

I've been developing applications since 2005. My expertize are in building distributed systems, automation, building engineering culture and technology leadership


Building a distributed system is challenging. A lot of moving parts, a necessity to adopt new technologies, methodology, DevOps, train & hire people with skills. I've experience with building distributed systems as a developer and since 2014 as a Head of Development.


Technology leadership

I believe in leadership and leading by example. During my carrier as a Head of Development, I have helped to build a carrier of many people into management and technology positions


Microservices training

I build distributed systems since 2012 as a Developer and Head of Development. I build my training program around my hands-on experience, experience from working with top Czech companies and continuous education. 


DevOps implementation

I'm combining Agile and DevOps culture in order to build strong Engineering culture. Development is becoming more and more expensive, but it's also the main engine of businesses. I trust in building effective IT by continuous decreasing technology debt and continuous work with business.

Public speaking

Speaking on conferences

I share my experience at various conferences or meetups. I use to speak both Czech and English 

My articles

Jindřich Kubát > EN

How we started DevOps in #komercka

In this article I share my experience how we started building DevOps culture in top czech bank Komerční Banka. How we measure transition to DevOps and description of our top priorities

Link to article

Jindřich Kubát > CZ

Jak nastartovat DevOps ve Vaší organizaci?

Víte jak nastartovat změnu ve vaší organizaci? Jaké typy lidí Vám budou pomáhat a kdo Vás bude brzdit? Co je křivka smutku a jak ji co nejdříve překonat?

Odkaz na článek

Jindřich Kubát > EN

What is the cost of unproductive IT meeting?

Do you have long, unproductive meetings? All meeting rooms are fully occupied and people have less and less time to work? I made a calculation what's the price for such unproductive meetings.

Link to article

Books I recommend

This section contains books I can highly recommend to read

How Google Works

Great book about leadership and building engineering culture

Link to amazon


Accelerate your business by building High Performing Technology Organization

Link to amazon

Phoenix Project

A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

Link to amazon

Monolith to Microservices

Patterns how to decompose monolithic architecture

Link to amazon

Implementing Domain-Driven Design

Vernon Vaughn can explain DDD that you can understand

Link to amazon

DevOps Handbook

Classic, that can't miss in your library

Link to amazon

Building Microservices

A guide how to build Microservices

Link to amazon